Wednesday, October 25, 2006

If it were left to men, there would be no holidays.

Men don't like holidays. Oh, they like to take part in them, but they don't like to organize them. If it were left to men, Christmas would be a wreath on the door -- maybe -- and a tree which they wouldn't think to decorate. It's women who supervise, and make possible, holidays. It's women who think ahead, plan ahead, buy all the decorations, arrange the parties, etc. How many men do you know who have ever planned a birthday party for one of his kids? Unless he's a single dad -- and, thus, had to -- I'm betting the answer is "none". Men don't think in terms of holidays, except maybe July 4, when they get to barbecue and drink beer in the process. Men do like cooking meat on an outdoor grill, that's true. But when it comes to the big holidays, men defer to their women to make all the preparations, issue all the invitations, conduct the actual parties, etc. Men tend to stand by and smile and, yes, drink beer. It's not that men aren't social.
Many are. It's just that men don't think in terms of specific days of the year when a celebration is mandatory and deserves special consideration. If men think of having a party, it's just a party.
No special day, no special decorations. Decorations? What are those? My own wife is so good about putting out appropriate items for each holiday: pumpkins at Halloween and Thanksgiving,
along with spooky stuff and Pilgrim stuff; tons of winter and Santa stuff at Christmas; colored eggs at Easter; etc. Left to me, kids would come to my door to trick-or-treat and find a bowl labelled "Help Yourself" and all the lights off. At Christmas, I might put up a tree, but would I spend much time hanging ornaments or lights? Oh please. And Thanksgiving? Give me a beer and an order of KFC and a football game, and I'm good to go. So why aren't men more attuned
to holidays? (And maybe some are -- but not most.) I think it's because men just aren't into the whole idea of special days and dressing up and entertaining, etc. We're simple creatures who look at one day much the same as the next, or the one before. If a holiday requires something extra -- presents, a costume, a string quartet, whatever --we'll make allowances and do what's required, but we aren't all that interested in making a big deal of it. If it were left to men, holidays would pretty much disappear. So let's hear it for the women: thank you for keeping holidays alive! Your children and ours appreciate it and you! And, as long as you're up, would you get me a beer?


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